Ari D de Oliveira

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by Ari D de Oliveira

Technology by Ari D de Oliveira

This website completes my experience on the Internet

Globetrotter, literature and tech lover, I have visited 44 countries and to plan to visit yet more 6 other countries next year. I love marketing, business, programming, fashion, beaauty and cuisine.


Programming (PHP, Android, C language adept), Photography, Reading and Travel, among others, are the things that I most appreciate. Like many other people, my curiosity began with the launch of the first computers intended for the general public: desktop PCs based on the DOS operating system..

First Steps
For many, programming was limited to creating code in BASIC. Those were the good old days!
The most curious ventured into programming in C. This was the path I followed. Programming in the C language was a passion that I still carry to this day. On one of the trips I took to New York, I bought a box with the long-awaited Borland C 3.0.

Some good books also helped me to master the well-structured Java language. This learning was very useful to me later when I started programming for the Android operating system (see below).


Programming for Websites

Mobile and responsive website programming.

Programming in HTML and PHP have been daily tasks for all these years.

I have created some websites using Microsoft's ASP language, but my preference was really for the HTML and PHP duo because of its ease in terms of ecosystem.

The introduction of style scripts, the famous CCS, were a kind of revolution when compared to HTML programming in its early days. Mastering style became much easier with CCS, which proves the undisputed success of this tool to this day.

Another tool that revolutionized the work environment was Adobe's incredible Dreamweaver. For me, this meant the biggest productivity gain at that time. I still miss this tool today. In fact, I abandoned it because I needed more and more machine power and a good internet connection.

The change in HTML/PHP programming models and the popularization of the internet have led many to prefer services that offer ready-to-use websites and that do not require the user to have great skills to make a website work.

Easy websites for everyone was a fantastic step forward. The secrets to getting websites ahead of the rest, however, remained. Hence the need for SEO, a topic and a challenge that excites some, myself included.
Mobile programming and responsive websites are also challenging topics.

Finally, to maintain my love for programming, opportunities arose with programming for the Android operating system and the prestigious iPhone. I took an almost long journey with iOS but I finally decided on Android because it is more comprehensive in terms of user community.

More on Technology

Digital Life


Artificial Intelligence


Tech in Brazil

Brazil ranks seven in digital transformation in public service

The result stems the government’s improved online platform.

Brazil ranked seven on the World Bank list assessing the current state of digital transformation in the public service across 198 economies. The result was released by the federal government today (Sep. 30).

According to the bank’s GovTech Maturity Index 2020, the country stood ahead of all other nations in the American continent, including the US and Canada.

Ahead of Brazil are South Korea, Estonia, France, Denmark, Austria, and the UK. Furthermore, Brazil is the only country among the ten first nations with a population of over 100 million people.

The result, the government stated, stems from improvements in the government’s Gov.Br platform, with over 115 users today. Early in 2019, the web portal was accessed by some 1.8 million people. The platform enables visitors to gain access to a number of digital services and information and the relationship between government and citizen.

The World Bank’s GovTech index surveyed countries considering four aspects: support for the main government systems; enhanced service delivery; integrated citizen engagement; and the encouragement of the development of digital skills in the public sector, along with the appropriate legal and regulatory regimen, training, and innovation.

Brazil stood out for digital solutions of massive impact, like the payment of unemployment benefits and the emergency aid aimed at mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: Agência Brasil. Published in 30/09/2021 - 15:00. By Agência Brasil Brasília

Android apps

Android applications that are scheduled to be released on the Google Play Store during the second half of 2025.

• Guide to Moscow

• Guide to Saint Petersburg

• Guide to Lisbon

• Guide to Rio de Janeiro

• Guide to Brussels

The Hermitage Museum

The Android app The Hermitage Museum is scheduled to be released during the Summer 2025.

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