Ari D de Oliveira

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Last Update: January 2025

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Books by Ari D de Oliveira

This website completes my experience on the Internet

Last stay in Brussels, Ari D de Oliveira

Globetrotter, literature and tech lover, I have visited 44 countries and to plan to visit yet more 6 other countries next year. I love marketing, business, programming, fashion, beaauty and cuisine.


This Website and Blog (Français | Português) are dedicated to lovers of travel and discovery. We know many countries and like every passionate traveler, our wish list does not go down. Many beautiful places on our planet still reserve their charms.


In Zigzags on the Trails of the World the narrator recounts his travels from his early adolescence to adulthood.

He begins by traveling along the paths that connected his grandparents' homes in the rural lands of Rio Grande do Norte, continues to travel through the various corners of the Old World continent and ends with intercontinental trips. These trips are so many opportunities to discover other ways of life and meet other people and their desires. The lands of the Old World, from Trás-os-Montes to the Danube Valley and the Black Sea coast, are landscapes that are all too familiar to him. The characters are described with their local colors, without shadows, and immerse the reader in the narrative.

The narrator, who has been a great admirer of world literature since his early days, sees and compares those moments to passages from some of his favorite authors, notably the French writer Marcel Proust, to name just one. They are journeys and opportunities to build bridges between our past and present, and as the latter unfolds, the options and choices we make stand out. Reading the pages where these adventures are recounted are like invitations to travel. This is also possible even through books. "Reading is a friend," said Proust. A friend who takes us to new horizons and new worlds.

Incendiary discussions about politics or literature, exchanges of ideas in long conversations and coexistence with the lifestyles of people who are part of other civilizations and religions are narrated throughout the pages of Zigzags on the Trails of the World with the naturalness with which they took place. A few touches of humor from various corners of the planet sometimes make the reading more fluid and more authentic.

The narrator also adds moments of tenderness and romance experienced with characters who, in one way or another, remained in his memories. One or another of these encounters could have been fatal, were it not for the narrator's stronger desire to continue on his path, always moving forward. To the point of regretting, not without melancholy, not having succumbed to Cupid's arrows.

For those of you who like books and readings that inspire, we recommend reading this Zigzags on the trails of the world. For the reasons set out above and for many other reasons, such as the opportunity to accompany the narrator on his travels through several countries, on several continents, in a joyful and easy-going narrative through the lands he discovers,

To learn more about Zigzags on the trails of the world:

Where to buy the book? Coming soon (May 2025)

Where to buy the ebook? Coming soon (May 2025)

>>> Travel

There is a lot of talk about the need to travel (“Traveling forms young people”, they say). And it has been that way for a long time. From Marco Polo - in fact before! - the movements of the Conquerors of all times who left the East to conquer the West and vice versa.

There are studies that show that traveling is one of the things that make us the happiest! Dreams of new lands - like Candide's Eldorado - and adventures. It is the fascination with tales of paradisiacal or mythical lands. Like our little Odyssey, it’s true that in the end, after all, we’re happy to come home and "cultivate our garden".


Most Beautiful Countries

From Africa, the Americas and Europe

It's not an easy task to choose the most beautiful from 44 countries I've visited so far. More countries will be very soon included in this list (see below).

The United States
The United States is the number one country to visit for many reasons; wonderful places to discover such as the Grand Canyon, the Yosemite Park, the Big Sur beach and Everglades National Park.

Moreover, there are plenty of other great places to visit, including cities, national parks, shopping for tourists and other attractions.

For its incredible diversity of landscapes France comes next to The United States;.

France is a must-see country for lovers of gastronomy, wine, cheese, fashion and many other prestigious products. With a rich historical heritage and many castles, for me, it is an irresistible destination.

The United Kingdom
The UK is a holiday destination that should definitely be on your bucket list.

For me, London, Westminster Abbey, the British Museum and London's nightlife are worth a visit. Shopping is also a must.

Italy, in addition to its diverse landscapes, is worth visiting because it is one of the cradles of our civilization. In addition, the cuisine and wines, as well as fashion and style, are unmistakable aspects of this welcoming country. For me, the Colosseum in Rome, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Venice are unmissable destinations.

My Countries in the Top List

United States


United Kingdom


Next Stops

Poland, the Baltic Countries and Ukraine

These countries are in my wishlist to visit during the second half of 2025 or during the Spring of 2026.

• Poland

• Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia

• Ukraine

Top 5 Cities

From the hundreds of cities visited, the cities that I love most are (in this order):

New York





Other cities I really enjoyed are:

Saint Petersburg



Greatest Museums

The Android app The Hermitage Museum is scheduled to be released during the Summer 2025.

Most Beautiful

British Museum

The Musée du Louvre



Museu Nacional de Antropología, México City

Most Visited



Czech Republic

