Ari D de Oliveira

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Last Update: January 2025

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Ari D de Oliveira welcomes you

This website completes my experience on the Internet

Rio de Janeiro
View dowtown Rio de Janeiro

Globetrotter, literature and tech lover, I have visited 44 countries and to plan to visit yet more 6 other countries next year. I love marketing, business, programming, fashion, beaauty and cuisine. BR | FR | ES

Travel Notes

Programming (PHP, Android, C language adept), Photography, Reading and Travel, among others, are the things that I most appreciate. Here you will find a little bit of all these things, selected and published as the days go by. The parts that I like most are Reading and Travel.

The passion for travel comes from a long time: I always liked to discover new horizons. Since I was a child I learned to travel and get to know new places. From life on the farm to life in a small capital far from the great centers of the country. The next step went to live in the regional metropolis of the time, Recife. Then came, in order, Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo, the great metropolises of Brazil. South America, Europe, North America, Central America, North Africa and the ports of Asia. In my blog Explora Mundi you can follow some of these steps.

   Books and eBooks on preparation to be released in May 2025

  This Book and eBooks are scheduled to be released during the first half of 2025.

   Zigzags, novel (May 2025)

   Visions of Portugal (coming soon)


Brazil ranks seven in digital transformation in public service

The result stems the government’s improved online platform.

Brazil ranked seven on the World Bank list assessing the current state of digital transformation in the public service across 198 economies. The result was released by the federal government today (Sep. 30).

According to the bank’s GovTech Maturity Index 2020, the country stood ahead of all other nations in the American continent, including the US and Canada.

Ahead of Brazil are South Korea, Estonia, France, Denmark, Austria, and the UK. Furthermore, Brazil is the only country among the ten first nations with a population of over 100 million people.

The result, the government stated, stems from improvements in the government’s Gov.Br platform, with over 115 users today. Early in 2019, the web portal was accessed by some 1.8 million people. The platform enables visitors to gain access to a number of digital services and information and the relationship between government and citizen.

The World Bank’s GovTech index surveyed countries considering four aspects: support for the main government systems; enhanced service delivery; integrated citizen engagement; and the encouragement of the development of digital skills in the public sector, along with the appropriate legal and regulatory regimen, training, and innovation.

Brazil stood out for digital solutions of massive impact, like the payment of unemployment benefits and the emergency aid aimed at mitigating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Source: Agência Brasil. Published in 30/09/2021 - 15:00. By Agência Brasil Brasília

More on Technology

Digital Life


Artificial Intelligence


Top 5 Cities

From the hundreds of cities visited, the cities that I love most are (in this order):

New York





Other cities I really enjoyed are:

Saint Petersburg



Greatest Museums

The Android app The Hermitage Museum is scheduled to be released during the Summer 2025.

Most Beautiful

The British Museum

The Musée du Louvre

MoMA New York

Ermitage SPB